JSON & Object
keys 顺序
JSON 是无序(unordered)的。
对于 ES2015 及以后,按以下顺序:
- 按 integer key 升序
- 按 string key 插入顺序
- 按 symbol name 插入顺序
对于 ES2015 以前,无定义顺序规则。
众所周知,有 JSON.stringify
与 JSON.parse
作为待 stringify 的结果;JSON.stringify(value[, replacer, space])
中的 replacer 可以是 数组 或(key, value: T) => T | undefined
- 为数组,相当于 pick 操作;
- 为函数,则取返回值为结果;
polyfill JSON.stringify
笔者实现的一个 JSON.stringify
polyfill 如下。
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// lib-type.js const TYPE = { NUMBER: 0b0000000001, STRING: 0b0000000010, BOOLEAN: 0b0000000100, OBJECT: 0b0000001000, ARRAY: 0b0000010000, OBJECT_OR_ARRAY: 0b0000011000, SYMBOL: 0b0000100000, BIGINT: 0b0001000000, UNDEFINED: 0b0010000000, NULL: 0b0100000000, FUNCTION: 0b1000000000, }; const MAP = { "[object Number]": TYPE.NUMBER, "[object String]": TYPE.STRING, "[object Boolean]": TYPE.BOOLEAN, "[object Array]": TYPE.ARRAY, "[object Symbol]": TYPE.SYMBOL, "[object BigInt]": TYPE.BIGINT, "[object Undefined]": TYPE.UNDEFINED, "[object Null]": TYPE.NULL, "[object Function]": TYPE.FUNCTION, }; const getType = (x) => { const objectType = Object.prototype.toString.call(x); return MAP[objectType] || TYPE.OBJECT; }; module.exports = { TYPE, getType, };
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// lib-base.js const { TYPE, getType } = require("./lib-type"); const NULL_STR = "null"; const COMMA_STR = ","; const ESCAPE_RE = /"/g; const quote = (str) => { return '"' + str.replace(ESCAPE_RE, '\\"') + '"'; }; const _defaultReplacerFactory = (replacer) => { const set = new Set(replacer); return (key, value) => { return set.has(key) || key === "" ? value : undefined; }; }; function stringify(value, replacer, space = 0, adapter) { const push = adapter.onPush; const setUndefined = adapter.onUndefinedResult; // handle space when is number, up to 10 if (typeof space === "number") { space = Math.min(space, 10); } const getIndentString = (indent) => { const indentString = typeof space === "number" ? new Array(indent * space).fill(" ").join("") : new Array(indent).fill(space).join(""); return indentString; }; if (replacer) { replacer = Array.isArray(replacer) ? _defaultReplacerFactory(replacer) : replacer; } function _stringify(value, indent, type, contextType = 0, contextKey = "") { if (replacer) { value = replacer(contextKey, value); } let indentString = getIndentString(indent); type = type || getType(value); // handle Object String/Number/Boolean if (type & (TYPE.STRING | TYPE.NUMBER | TYPE.BOOLEAN)) { value = value.valueOf(); } // "toJSON" method if (type === TYPE.OBJECT && typeof value.toJSON === "function") { value = value.toJSON(contextKey); type = getType(value); } if (type & (TYPE.ARRAY | TYPE.OBJECT)) { if (contextType === 0 && type & TYPE.OBJECT_OR_ARRAY) { push(type === TYPE.OBJECT ? "{" : "["); indent++; indentString = getIndentString(indent); } let prefix = ""; for (const key in value) { // ignore symbol key, don't consider replacer function if (typeof key === "symbol") { continue; } // ignore non-num index in array if (type === TYPE.ARRAY && Number.isNaN(Number(key))) { continue; } let item = value[key]; const itemType = getType(item); // in object, ignore function / symbol / undefined if ( type === TYPE.OBJECT && itemType & (TYPE.FUNCTION | TYPE.SYMBOL | TYPE.UNDEFINED) ) { continue; } push(prefix); if (space) { push("\n" + indentString); } if (type === TYPE.OBJECT) { push(quote(key) + ": "); } if (itemType & TYPE.OBJECT_OR_ARRAY) { push(itemType === TYPE.OBJECT ? "{" : "["); } _stringify(item, indent + 1, itemType, type, key); if (itemType & TYPE.OBJECT_OR_ARRAY) { if (space) { push("\n" + indentString); } push(itemType === TYPE.OBJECT ? "}" : "]"); } prefix = COMMA_STR; } if (contextType === 0 && type & TYPE.OBJECT_OR_ARRAY) { if (space) { push("\n"); } push(type === TYPE.OBJECT ? "}" : "]"); } } else { // handle NaN / Infinity / -Infinity if ( (type === TYPE.NUMBER && value !== value) || value === Infinity || value === -Infinity ) { push(NULL_STR); } else if (type === TYPE.STRING) { push(quote(value)); } else if (type & (TYPE.FUNCTION | TYPE.SYMBOL | TYPE.UNDEFINED)) { // pure, transform result to undefined if (contextType === 0) { setUndefined(); } else { push(NULL_STR); } } else if (type === TYPE.NULL) { push(NULL_STR); } else if (type === TYPE.BIGINT) { // cannot support BigInt throw TypeError("BigInt value can't be serialized in JSON"); } else { push(value.toString()); } } } _stringify(value, 0); } module.exports = { stringify, };
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const { stringify: baseStringify } = require("./lib-base"); const stringify = (value, replacer, space) => { let result = ""; const adapter = {}; adapter.onPush = async function (str) { result += str; }; adapter.onUndefinedResult = function () { result = undefined; }; baseStringify(value, replacer, space, adapter); return result; }; function main() { const result = stringify({ a: 1, b: { c: 3 } }, null, 4); console.log(result); } main();
JSON 与 stream
与 JSON.parse
实际上都可以流式处理,适合处理较大的 JSON 文件。
对于 stream 式的 JSON.stringify
,可以由以上的 polyfill 进行修改:
- 将 stringify 转为 generator 函数,对 push 操作进行 yield;
- 增加
API,能够控制 generator 流程; - 实现 Readable stream;
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function stringify(value, replacer, space = 0, adapter) { // push 改造 const push = function (str) { return str; }; const setUndefined = adapter.onUndefinedResult; // ... // 改造为 generator 以控制流程 function* _stringify(value, indent, type, contextType = 0, contextKey = "") { // ... if (type & (TYPE.ARRAY | TYPE.OBJECT)) { if (contextType === 0 && type & TYPE.OBJECT_OR_ARRAY) { // 涉及 push 的地方 yield yield push(type === TYPE.OBJECT ? "{" : "["); // ... } } else { // ... } } const iter = _stringify(value, 0); const exports = { pull() { const { value, done } = iter.next(); if (done) { return null; } return value; }, }; return exports; } class JSONStringify extends Readable { constructor(value, opts = {}) { super(opts); this.adapter = {}; this.adapter.onUndefinedResult = function () { throw Error("encode fail"); }; this.stringifyObject = stringify(value, null, 4, this.adapter); } _read(n) { // 此处没有使用 n,是因为实现中没有用 n 控制输出 // 而 stream 内部会做缓存,不需要手动做(即 push 不需要正好 push n 个字节) const str = this.stringifyObject.pull(n); this.push(str); } } async function main() { const jsonStream = new JSONStringify( { a: [12, 321, 42141, 512], b: { c: [{ dsaf: "2353252" }, { ddd: 23432 }], d: false, e: null, }, }, { // 控制 highWaterMark highWaterMark: 1, } ); const rs = createWriteStream("./result.json"); jsonStream.pipe(rs); } main();
对于 stream 式的 JSON.parse
,基于 jsonparse 实现。(实际上就是太懒不想造轮子= =)
- 实现 Duplex stream,将 JSON 字符串导入到 jsonparse 中,从
中获取 parse 后的对象;
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const Parser = require("jsonparse"); const { Transform, Readable, Writable, Duplex } = require("stream"); const jsonText = `{"a": [12,321,42141,512 ],"b": {"c": [{"dsaf": "2353252" },{"ddd": 23432 } ],"d": false,"e": null } }`; class FromRawData extends Readable { constructor(data) { super(); this.data = Buffer.from(data); } _read(n) { if (this.data.length === 0) { this.push(null); return; } const next = this.data.slice(0, n); this.data = this.data.slice(n); this.push(next); } } class JSONParse extends Duplex { constructor() { super({ readableObjectMode: true, }); this.queue = []; const parser = (this.parser = new Parser()); parser.onValue = (value) => { if (parser.stack.length === 0) { this.queue.push(value); this.queue.push(null); } }; } _read(n) { if (this.queue.length > 0) { this.queue.slice(0, n).forEach((item) => this.push(item)); this.queue.splice(0, n); } } _write(data, enc, next) { this.parser.write(data); next(); } } class Log extends Writable { constructor() { super({ objectMode: true, }); } _write(data, enc, cb) { console.log("[Log]", data); cb(); } } new FromRawData(jsonText).pipe(new JSONParse()).pipe(new Log());
更快的 JSON stringnify
fast-json-stringify 是一个快速的 JSON.stringify
实现,其主要基于 schema,即通过编写 schema,可以预先组成 stringnify 的代码,而不需要运行时 遍历 与 判断类型 等。
(当然,如果已经使用了这个库,可以试试 protocol buffers)